Literature in high school classes covers the philosophies, authors, and major works that create the unique culture of the focus group (9th grade- general and world literature; 10th and 11th grade- American literature; 12th grade- British literature. Improving and expanding student reading skills is a crucial part of high school literature courses. Parents are advised that selections, whether print or multimedia, may contain controversial language, behavior, situations, descriptions, and innuendos. Honors Independent reading details are here.
01001G1000 ENGLISH 9
Grade 9
This course focuses on the student of world literature, writing, grammar, and vocabulary; it will include activities utilizing available technologies and digital literacies such as word processing and the creation of presentations.
Grade 9
This fast-paced course focuses on the in-depth study of world literature, writing, grammar, and vocabulary; it is designed to prepare students for the rigors of college. It will include activities utilizing available technologies and digital literacies such as word processing and the creation of presentations. An emphasis will be placed on literary analysis, critical thinking, and academic writing. Independent reading assignments are required. Students should obtain the reading list and assignment directions from a member of the English department, a school counselor, or the school website.
01002G1000 ENGLISH 10
Grade 10
Prerequisite: English 9 or Honors English 9
The course is designed to strengthen the student’s background in and foster creativity through the interpretation of texts written from various cultural perspectives with an emphasis on works outside the United States and the British Isles from 1600 to the present. Instructors emphasize reading comprehension and daily grammar practice as well as ACT English and reading preparedness.
01002H1000 HONORS ENGLISH 10
Grade 10
Prerequisites: English 9 or Honors English 9
This accelerated and rigorous course is designed to strengthen the student’s background in and foster creativity through the interpretation of texts written from various cultural perspectives with an emphasis on works outside the United States and the British Isles from 1600 to the present by enhancing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. There is an independent reading assignment required for this course.
Instructors emphasize reading comprehension and daily grammar practice at an advanced level as well as ACT English and reading preparedness. Independent reading and assignments are required and due before and/or during the semester in which a student’s English class falls. Students should obtain a reading list and assignment directions from a member of the English department, from a school counselor, or the school website.
01002H1000 ENGLISH 11
Grade 11
Prerequisites: English 10 or Honors English 10
This course links the concepts of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in practical ways. Participants will write essays, read selections from American literature, review grammar concepts, conduct research projects, learn ACT-relevant vocabulary words, and participate in class discussions. Content is geared toward mastery of ACT skills in both English and reading.
01003H1000 HONORS ENGLISH 11
Grade 11
Prerequisites: English 10 or Honors English 10
This fast-paced, rigorous course links the concepts of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in practical ways. Participants will write essays, read selections from American literature, review grammar concepts, conduct research projects, learn ACT-relevant vocabulary words, and participate in class discussions. Content is geared toward mastery of ACT skills in both English and reading.
Independent reading and assignments are required and due before and/or during the semester in which a student’s English class falls. Students should obtain a reading list and assignment directions from a member of the English department, from a school counselor, or the school website.
Grade 11
Prerequisite: English 10 or Honors English 10
Fee: AP Test Fee (TBD), $20.00 Course Fee,
This fast-paced, rigorous course focuses on the analysis of rhetorical devices in nonfiction writings, application of logic, research, and college-level essay reading and writing. Participation in the AP exam is required. With a qualifying score on the exam, course participants could earn three to six hours of college credit, depending on the postsecondary school institution.
01005H10AP ENGLISH 12
Grade 12
Prerequisite: English 11 or Honors English 11
This course involves an active practice that links the concepts of listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities designed to further develop thinking and problem-solving abilities. The course offers opportunities to analyze and evaluate literature to gain insight into the cultures that developed into the British Empire. The course includes a written research paper focused on literary analysis and research-based skills.
01004H1000 HONORS ENGLISH 12
Grade 12
Prerequisite: English 11, AP English 11, or Honors English 11
This accelerated course covers a survey of British Literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Modern Age. Activities will involve critical listening, speaking, reading, and writing with a strong emphasis on vocabulary.
Grade 12
Prerequisite: English 11, AP English 11 or Honors English 11
A minimum score of 23 on the reading portion of ACT is recommended.
Fee: AP Test Fee (TBD), $20.00 Course fee
This course focuses on the skills necessary for the rigors of college English and literature courses and includes reading selections from world literature, analyzing literary selections, writing weekly essays, composing a research paper, giving oral presentations, and participating in panel discussions. Participating in the AP Exam is required for this class, and test scores may result in receiving three to six (and in some cases more) hours of college credit with a qualifying score on the exam.
Grade 11 or 12
Prerequisite: Principal and Superintendent Approval, a minimum score of 20 on the English portion of ACT or an 84 on the Compass Writing Test given at Calhoun Community College.
Fee: Tuition and Books,
CALHOUN CAMPUS, UA Early College, Auburn First or AHS campus- Students must indicate preference on the registration card.
This college English course provides instruction and practice in writing extended compositions, both general and literary, including research papers. Instruction focuses on the development of analytical and critical reading skills in the composition process and practices in research skills and usage.
Grade 11 or 12
Prerequisite: Principal and Superintendent Approval, a minimum score of 20 on the English portion of ACT or an 84 on the Compass Writing Test given at Calhoun Community College.
Fee: Tuition and Books,
CALHOUN CAMPUS, UA Early College, Auburn First or AHS campus- Students must indicate preference on the registration card.
This college English course provides instruction and practice in writing extended compositions, both general and literary, including research papers. Instruction focuses on the development of analytical and critical reading skills in the composition process and practice in research skills and usage.
Grades: 11,12
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Fees: College Tuition and Textbooks
This course is a survey of American literature from its inception to the middle of the nineteenth century. Emphasis is placed on representative works and writers of this period and on the literary, cultural, historical, and philosophical forces that shaped these works and that are reflected in them. Upon completion and in written compositions, students will be able to interpret the aesthetic and thematic aspects of these works, relate the works to their historical and literary contexts, and understand relevant criticism and research.
Grades: 11,12
Prerequisite: ENG 102
Fees: College Tuition and Textbooks
This course is a survey of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Romantic Age. Emphasis is placed on representative works and writers of this period and on the literary, cultural, historical, and philosophical forces that shaped these works and that are reflected in them. Upon completion and in written compositions, students will be able to interpret the aesthetic and thematic aspects of these works, relate the works to their historical and literary contexts, and understand relevant criticism and research.
Grades 9-12
This class involves the study of mass media and mass communications, primarily concerning the following categories: books, news media, audio, film, television, and online/social media. Each of these categories will be examined with a specific focus on origins, development, criticisms, and influence on society. Throughout the course, students will analyze specific examples of each media type as well as analyze examples of their own choosing. These student analyses will provide opportunities to hone skills in media literacy, research, writing, scholarly discourse, and presentation. Special attention to digital literacy skills will also be implemented throughout the course. It should be noted that this curriculum has been designed within an English Language Arts framework.
Grades 10-12
This class covers three major topics of study divided into six-week units. During the first six weeks, the unit on mythology and fable examines the classic myths and fables that have influenced all great writing, thus profoundly affecting both British and American literature. During the second six weeks, the unit on the Bible as literature equips the student with a basic understanding of the literary forms contained in the Old Testament, as well as people and symbols often referred to in literature, art, and music. The final unit on Arthurian legends offers an expansive study of how these legends are reflected in major contemporary works.
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: Advisor Approval
This course in Publications focuses on student journalism and has two primary objectives: (1) to teach the skills required to create the AHS Aquila (yearbook) and The Acropolis Times (newspaper), (2) to produce then distribute a book which reflects journalistic standards, and (3) maintain the online news website. Responsibility, creativity, initiative, and time management skills are emphasized throughout the production process. It involves collecting interviews, writing articles and stories, producing photography, and using software to develop layouts for the yearbook and newspaper, which participants will create first-hand. The course also involves a commitment to attending school events to photograph and report. A written application is required and must be approved by the advisor. Due to the nature of this course, a two-semester commitment is recommended to fulfill the requirements of the course.
Grade 10,11 or 12
Prerequisite: Principal and Superintendent Approval, colleges may have additional criteria for enrollment
Fee: Tuition and Books,
LOCATION: CALHOUN CAMPUS, UA Early College, Auburn First or AHS campus- Students must indicate preference on registration card.
This course explores principles of audience and environment analysis as well as the actual planning, rehearsing, and presenting of formal speeches to specific audiences. Historical foundations, communication theories, and student performances are emphasized. PREREQUISITE: As required by the program.