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Fine Arts

Fine Arts
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: Ability to play band instrument or selection to color guard/majorette                            
Fee:  Band Camp, Fair Share Quota                                   
This class is designed for students with skills in brass, percussion, woodwinds, color guard   or twirling.  Emphasis will be placed on marching, musical, and dance/equipment techniques.  The group will perform at all varsity football games and marching band competitions. The marching band rehearses twice a week after school during August, September, and October.  Students must have at least one full year of band or exhibit proficiency on a band instrument with the director’s approval to enroll. Auxiliary members are eligible for the marching band course. Occasionally, the season could extend through November.  Operation fees apply with ample opportunities to raise funds. This course fulfills the L.I.F.E./PE course requirement for graduation.
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: Audition and participation in Marching Band
Fee:  Band Camp, Fair Share Quota
This is a performance-based class for students who play percussion instruments.  Students may register for this class for both fall and spring semesters.     
05105G1001 JAZZ BAND
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: Audition
This is an audition-based ensemble that provides an opportunity for students to participate in a performing ensemble. Students may register for this class for both fall and spring semesters.     
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite: Audition required
This class is designed to study all aspects of flag, rifle performance, elements of movement and dance.
Grades 11-12
Fees: AP Exam (TBD) and Course Fee $20.00
AP Music Theory is an introductory college-level music theory course. Students cultivate their understanding of music theory through analyzing performed and notated music as they explore concepts like pitch, rhythm, form, and musical design.
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite: Audition and participation in Marching Band
This is a performance-based music class.
05107G1001 PIANO I
Grades 9-12
This is an introductory course open to any student who has had no formal piano/keyboard training. Students will perform alone or in groups, interpret basic musical notation, define and use fundamental musical terms, discuss the various stylistic periods of music history, and listen to and evaluate performances by peers as well as recorded performances by professional musicians.
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite:  Ability to play band instrument
Band provides opportunities to gain knowledge in instrumental technique, music theory, music history, critical listening, creative listening, self-discipline, and citizenship through a variety of performance settings (i.e. marching band, concert band, jazz band, small ensembles, and solo performance). During the fall semester, students will participate in the Marching Band. The Marching Band performs at varsity football games, pep rallies, marching contests, and parades. During marching season, the band will practice outside of regular school hours. After marching season, the marching band will be divided into various concert bands by audition (i.e. Concert Band and Symphonic Band). After-school rehearsals and/or sectionals may continue throughout the concert season. Student attendance is required for all performances and rehearsals. 
05052G10T1 THEATER I
Grade 9-12
Fee: $20.00
Students will explore beginning theatre. Creating, performing, responding, and connecting drive critical thinking, meaning, reflection, production, and assessment to understand how theatre communicates ideas and allows for self-expression. Students will study, write and/or perform scenes and monologues. Students will also be introduced to the basic history of theater and technical theatre.
Grade 10-12
Fee: $20.00
Prerequisite: Theater I
This course, accomplished level, continues the study of theatre. Creating, performing, responding, and connecting drive critical thinking, meaning, reflection, production, and assessment to further understand how theatre communicates ideas and allows for self-expression. Students will study, write and/or perform scenes and monologues. Students will use their acting to refine their theatre and technical techniques. Students will study the history of theatre and perform solo, duo, and group theatre works.
Grade 10-12
Fee: $20.00
Prerequisite: Theater II
This advanced-level course continues the study of theatre. Creating, performing, responding, and connecting drive critical thinking, meaning, reflection, production, and assessment. Students will demonstrate concepts and skills on how theatre communicates ideas and allows for self-expression. Students will use their acting talent to refine theatre techniques equivalent to college preparatory or honors to reinforce a continued enjoyment of theatre. Students will study, write and/or perform scenes and monologues. Students will further study the history of theater and technical theatre.
05154G10A1 VISUAL ART I  
Grade 9-10
Fee: $40.00
In this course, participants will create, present, respond, and connect to art through critical thinking, reflection, production and self-expression. This course emphasizes exploration and experimentation through a general foundation in studio processes, art criticism, aesthetics, and art history. Participants respond to personal experiences and express ideas using a variety of traditional and contemporary media while effectively applying the elements of art and principles of design to create original works of art. Safe practices and proper use of tools and materials are emphasized. This course must be paired with another 9-week course. Recommended pairings: Health, Driver’s Ed, ACT Prep, Personal Finance Career Prep A.
Grade 9-12
Prerequisite: Visual Art I
Fee: $40.00
This is the second sequential Visual Arts high school course.
In this course, participants will continue to create, present, respond, and connect to art through critical thinking, reflection, production, and self-expression. This course emphasizes exploration and experimentation through a more in-depth study in studio processes, art criticism, aesthetics, and art history. Participants respond to personal experiences and express ideas using a variety of traditional and contemporary media while effectively applying the elements of art and principles of design to create original works of art. Safe practices and proper use of tools and materials are emphasized.
Grade 10-12
Prerequisite: Visual Art II
Fee: $40.00
This is the third sequential Visual Arts high school course. 
In this course, participants will create, present, respond, and connect to art through critical thinking, reflection, production, and self-expression. This course emphasizes exploration and experimentation through a comprehensive study in studio processes, art criticism, aesthetics, and art history. Participants respond to personal experiences and express ideas using a variety of traditional and contemporary media while effectively developing a personal art style to create original works of art. Safe practices and proper use of tools and materials are emphasized. At the end of this course, participants will have a portfolio review. 
Grade 10-12
Prerequisite: Visual Art III
Fee: $40.00
This is the fourth sequence of Visual Arts high school courses. 
In this course, participants will create, present, respond and connect to art through critical thinking, reflection, production, and self-expression. This course emphasizes a self-driven curriculum with a comprehensive study in studio processes, art criticism, aesthetics, and art history. Participants respond to personal experiences and express ideas using a variety of traditional and contemporary media while continuing to effectively develop a personal art style to create original works of art. Safe practices and proper use of tools and materials are emphasized. At the end of this course, participants will have a portfolio review. 
Grades 10-12
Fee: AP Test TBD, Course fee $20.00, Art supplies $20.00
Prerequisite: Visual Art 1 and Visual Art 2, Portfolio review
In this course participants will develop a college-level portfolio in one of three studio areas: 2D, 3D, or Drawing.  The course emphasizes the ability to (1) conduct a sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision, guided by questions; (2) skillfully synthesize materials, processes, and ideas; and (3) articulate, in writing, information about one’s work. Participation in the national AP test is a mandatory component in the rigor of this course. Participants will create 15 works to fulfill the sustained investigation portion of the exam and 5 artworks to fulfill the quality works portion. It is recommended that participants take a full year of Art, by pairing AP Art Studio with Visual Art III or IV. 
05110G10C1 CHORUS I
Fee: $20.00
This novice-level vocal class is designed for the beginning choir student interested in the Artistic Processes of creating, performing, responding, and connecting in a traditional and emerging ensemble setting.  Using the four Artistic Processes, students will develop basic vocal practices, skills, and sight-reading techniques as a means of self-expression.  Students will learn basic music theory concepts, music history, and musical composition using current technology.  Students will also explore a diverse repertoire of music genres encouraging an appreciation of all music.  Students are expected to attend all after-school rehearsals, music assessments, and performances. Choir is a sequential course and is recommended to take both semesters. 
05110G10C2 CHORUS II
Prerequisite:  Chorus I
Fee: $20.00
This intermediate-level vocal class is designed for the choir student with at least one year of experience in a traditional and emerging ensemble setting.  Using the four Artistic Processes, students will continue to develop basic vocal practices, skills, and sight-reading techniques as a means of self-expression.  Students will continue to learn music theory concepts, music history, and musical composition using current technology.  Students will also explore a diverse repertoire of music genres encouraging an appreciation of all music.  Students are expected to attend all after-school rehearsals, music assessments, and performances.
Choir is a sequential course and is recommended to take both semesters. 
Prerequisite: Chorus II
Fee: $20.00
This proficient-level vocal class is designed for the choir student with at least two years of experience in a traditional and emerging ensemble setting.  Using the four Artistic Processes, students will continue to develop vocal practices, skills, and sight-reading techniques as a means of self-expression.  Students will continue to learn music theory concepts, music history, and musical composition using current technology.  Students will also explore a diverse repertoire of music genres encouraging an appreciation of all music.  Students are expected to attend all after-school rehearsals, music assessments, and performances.
 Choir is a sequential course and is recommended to take both semesters. 
05110G10C4 CHORUS IV
Prerequisite: Chorus III and audition
Fee: $20.00
Students interested in this course are selected based on individual vocal ability, audition, and audition. This accomplished or advanced-level vocal class is designed for the choir student with at least three years of experience in a traditional and emerging ensemble setting.  Using the four Artistic Processes, students will continue to develop vocal practices, skills, and sight-reading techniques as a means of self-expression.  Students will demonstrate music theory concepts and explore music history and musical composition using current technology.  Students will also consider a diverse repertoire of music genres encouraging an appreciation of all music.  Students are expected to attend all after-school rehearsals, music assessments, and performances. Choir is a sequential course and is recommended to take both semesters. 


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